Monday, November 26, 2012

Keep Your Blog Up To Date - Discover The Method Of RSS Feeds

Once you have nailed it in regard to writing good content for our blog and constantly keep your blog updated, then you have to find away to keep your all important readers up to date with your latest thought provoking posts. Also what your readers will keep coming back for are the links that you post to other sites for interest in the chosen niches that you are blogging about.

It can be impossible to keep up to date as the reader of a chosen niche unless you scour the internet on a regular basis, and let's face it who wants to do that in this day and age? It can be easy to miss stories of interest, so you need a simple effective way to keep up to date with it all.

The technique used is RSS; RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, it is a way of receiving updates from sites that you are interested in. They are delivered to your computer without having to visit the site in question and trawl through pages you have visited before. Not all sites offer RSS feeds but if you host your own WordPress blog for example you automatically have an RSS feed available. All the large sites available on the internet such as the BBC, Yahoo, CNN, eBay and many more have them available and are a great way to keep up to speed with the latest news, eBay auctions and weather.

Subscriptions to RSS feeds are free and so is the software needed to get them. These programs are called aggregators but are commonly referred to as feeders. You can choose between a RSS feeder that displays your feeds on a web page which is dedicated to RSS feeds or an application that runs on your PC as a stand-alone program. If you use Firefox or Opera as your web browser then you can even read RSS feeds there without having to go to special web pages or use an application.

In my view it is a simple process to add an RSS feed to your blog or site. If you are not currently practicing it then you are missing a trick. RSS offers a great way to interact with your base of readers. Who wants to put all that work into building up your blog, writing gripping content; but then having the problem of no one coming back to visit your site.

How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Choosing an RSS Reader   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   

RSS Sites

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a type of web feed format. It is used for publishing frequently updated content such as news headlines, in a standardized format. RSS sites are now becoming very common and are used by many businesses and websites for displaying up to date information. RSS sites are read using an RSS reader which can be web based, desktop based or mobile device based. It is developed as an XML file which allows the information to be published and then viewed by all the users. For subscribing to an RSS, you need to enter the URI or click an RSS icon in a web browser which starts the process. Once you have subscribed, the RSS reader automatically checks for updated information and downloads it. In this way, frequently updated information is displayed to the user.

In order to be able to use RSS, you will need an RSS reader. There are many free RSS site readers such as Google Reader which can easily be downloaded. Once you have downloaded this software, open your account in it. This software will store your favorite websites and blogs and will update them automatically for you.

After setting up an RSS feed, you will have to organize it as well. The way you organize will depend on the internet browser you are using as each one has different options. If you are using Google, for example, you will be asked about your favorite categories and interests. When you enter your selected categories, you will be given various options of different sites which you can add to your RSS feeds. This is very convenient because you will not have to search for information yourself.

Another way of using RSS or adding RSS feeds to your home page is to subscribe for them yourself. Nowadays most websites have their own Rss feeds options. All you have to do is click on the RSS button on the website and add that to your homepage. Most news websites or blogs have RSS feeds for its users so that they are immediately notified when there is any new information.

RSS sites are a great convenience because it saves time and keeps you updated on a regular basis. In this way, you do not have to wait to actually visit a website in order to get the latest information.

How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

Using RSS Feeds To Connect With Customers

When it comes to finding the newest ways to get data in front of your team, nothing is more current than using RSS feeds. Data flow is the key to staying as current as possible to the needs and options that are available. Bringing these feeds to everyone in your team enables you to connect with your customers and deliver the product they need. All too often, gaps in the data cost everyone money, so using every innovation possible to prevent issues will ensure success at every level of the process.

You can solve a lot of issues that cost money and time by simply using RSS feeds along with social networking software for business. Simply load up the RSS feed for your users that'll stream where they need to see it, whether in the background on their desktop, on a Lilliputian monitor off to the side, or even scrolling in their taskbar, that immediacy brings a new level of urgency to the social network that can make the difference between success and failure on a project. The RSS feed lets you and your business meet needs as they develop and keep in constant contact with both customers and clients.

With trending software and that customer connectivity, there comes a point where you can actually begin to anticipate the needs and to factor those anticipated needs into the overall goals of the team for their project. With you and your team being able to shift and maintain current levels of activities, including RSS feeds can help anticipate those needs as well.

One advantage of having a hyper-connected network within your operations is the fact that even if the client makes an unexcited shift in their needs, because of the interconnectivity provided by the social networking and pushed by the RSS feeds, everyone will know within minutes that there has been a shift and will be able to react accordingly. Again, with trending, even those shifts can be anticipated and planned for, virtually eliminating reaction time.

All in all, having the technological advantages of an internal and external network connected through the common SharePoint social network matrix enables data to flow smoothly. You can make sure that at the same time the data is pushed into the matrix, everyone else will get the data too by using RSS feeds. See how your business can benefit by bringing in RSS feeds and social connectivity. Take your business and your customers to the next level.

How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   

How To Reach An Exponentially Larger Audience With Your Blog or Website - And This Tool Is Free

Many website owners have some understanding of RSS feeds but are not fully aware how to best maximize the feed on their blog or website. I recently discovered a tool which allows me to reach a much vaster potential audience than before.

Yahoo Pipes

The free tool to which I refer is on and this site allows you to take your existing RSS feed and manipulate it or edit it any way you wish. One of the methods that it allows is the ability to translate your existing feed content from English to any one of a large range of languages. (You can also transfer from other languages to English).

The potential of this is enormous because if your content is in English, as mine is, I can go to Yahoo Pipes and translate my sites content in my feed to Spanish for example. The Spanish speaking market is enormous and a market to which you are not currently catering if you write and publish your content in English.

Yahoo pipes is a free tool and on the site you will find a number of free videos which show you how to edit and manipulate your RSS feed's content and the number of potential outcomes is huge and potentially hugely beneficial in helping you to get your content out to a whole new audience.

Aside from the translation feature there are a number of other options which allow you to edit the content of your existing feed and one of the possibilities of this is the opportunity to make a huge number of feeds..all from the one existing source.

The potential to build backlinks from doing this is clearly huge and is limited only by your imagination in manipulating or editing and publishing your existing site content.

How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

Article Marketing and Optimizing Your Content By Editing RSS Feeds With Yahoo Pipes

Most people who run a website or blog understand that the use of RSS feeds can be a great way to generate back links and therefore ranking for your site or blog. However not many people know how to truly maximize the use of RSS feeds and your existing content which you have put so much time and effort into and which you will have submitted to various article directories to generate traffic and good quality back links to your site.

Here is one incredibly effective way to maximize the value of your RSS feed.

An RSS feed is automatically generated for you if you use WordPress or other blogging platform. You will probably know that distributing that feed to feed directories will give you lots of backlinks.

Article Marketing and RSS Feeds

However you will also have an feed with most good article directories such as EzineArticles or GoArticles. You can take that feed and distribute it to the feed aggregators/directories which will have the effect of boosting page rank for your articles with a knock on consequence of passing on link juice to your blog or site as this will invariably be linked to from your article on the article directory.

However you can do this even more effectively by using Yahoo pipes ( and manipulating your feed. On Yahoo Pipes you can filter your feed and this gives huge opportunities to make laser targeted new feeds from your existing content on article directories and submitting these feeds to the feed directories for even more back links and traffic.

You can also translate your feed from English to a whole range of other languages (are you thinking Spanish?) and build a whole new audience for your site. The opportunities are endless with a little creativity and Yahoo pipes.

How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Choosing an RSS Reader   

How an RSS Feed Can Increase Your Traffic

The main purpose for RSS is instant information, and this is the best way to frame your thinking on how to use it to build Internet traffic. Once you understand how to effectively use RSS, you will know that this will give you a competitive edge when it comes to building website traffic.

Originally RSS was developed to quickly distribute news media across the web, and since then other content publishers, bloggers, and marketers have come to realize the power of using RSS feeds to generate traffic, and as a way to develop loyal visitors. Part of the reason is that as the internet grows, it moves towards utilizing more and more shared content. Social media websites and social media marketing are proven examples of this. If your blogs and websites are not sporting some form of automated RSS feed, you are going to want to find a way to provide RSS feeds as an option to help build your traffic.

Some people have a hard time wrapping their heads around the concept of RSS, but it does not have to be that way. If you find the idea of Really Simple Syndication difficult to grasp, an easy way to still take advantage of it is to submit your links to social bookmark sites first, and then take the RSS feeds created and submit these to a few popular feed directories. Just do a search online for "RSS directories" or "submit RSS feeds". You can do this with posts, pages, videos, podcasts, comments, and really any kind of content link. You can also "ping" many of these feeds on the popular pinging services for additional traffic.

RSS for Generating Traffic

Here are some of the benefits that make RSS great for creating new and recurring traffic. The automated delivery of fresh content will alert web surfers to your site content and encourages past readers to return. Content that updates often means that search engine spiders will visit your websites to index new content. RSS allows for easy classification of content that users can parse to suit their individual needs. Information is easy to locate and navigate for viewing, scanning, and reading as partial or full feeds.

RSS should be of interest to anyone that is an online content provider, because it is an easy way to distribute content to reach new and potential audiences. Increased traffic means exposure to new marketing opportunities. RSS automates many functions, provides another way to communicate, and helps to position bloggers, webmasters, and online marketers as leaders in their respective fields.

Everyone online is always looking for ways to increase traffic, and a way to improve targeted traffic. If you have not yet discovered all the possibilities of using RSS, now is a good time to give it another look. It does live up to its name of "really simple syndication", and is worth a few hours or even days to learn, to understand, and put into good practice.

The fact that it is so simple and effective makes RSS very attractive as a way to increase Internet traffic for all your online promotions.

How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

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